The process of undervaluing ourselves is continuous and for millions of people has emerged as a harmful problem. Self-worth is essential to our relationships with not only ourself, but with our family, friends, neighbors, and business associates. When we view ourselves poorly we are ranking ourselves as “not good enough.” In her book The Undervalued Self: Restore Your Love/Power Balance, … Continue Reading about How to Overcome The Undervalued Self: Guide for Balancing Insecurities
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The Seven Sacred Steps Table of Contents
The steps as described in each chapter build upon the previous one. By the time the reader finishes the last chapter they will have a doable … Continue Reading about The Seven Sacred Steps Table of Contents

Internet’s Role in Planet Changes
Question: Alana, What is the cosmic role that the Internet is playing in bringing us into the New World and how do you see it evolving? Thank … Continue Reading about Internet’s Role in Planet Changes

Dealing with Blame: How to Manage Anger
Question: I need help with my attitudes. Is there a technique I can use to facilitate change once I am upset or angry about something? I find it hard to get back into a peaceful place and managing my emotions is … Continue Reading about Dealing with Blame: How to Manage Anger

Recovery from Substance Addiction
Question: Will you please address the issue of substance addictions? The dependence on alcohol, drugs, tobacco, and even sugar addiction is a horrible way to live. Thank you for any information you give to … Continue Reading about Recovery from Substance Addiction

Integrating Inner Parts
Question: I'm doing integration work with my inner parts. What advice do you have to help me understand the intention of these various parts and to utilize them for personal empowerment and effective life … Continue Reading about Integrating Inner Parts

Mystic Cross
Question: I was wondering what it means to have a "mystic cross" on the palm of my hand. Is it a positive thing, and will it help me find my spiritual self? Answer: Hello, dear one. Thank you for bringing forth … Continue Reading about Mystic Cross

Numerology Name Changes
Question: I was born a Joanne but always called Joannie. Six years ago, for expediency and a change, I started spelling my name Joni, yet that somehow doesn't seem to fit. My family still spells it the old way (I … Continue Reading about Numerology Name Changes

Question: Dear Alana, can you tell me what happens to certain men who become emotionally unavailable? Why are so many women attracted to them? I would appreciate any advice you could give us women on this complexing … Continue Reading about Relationships

The Nature of Karma
You see, time brings both possibilities and probabilities. Question: Alana could you describe the nature of Karma and what it is? Is it something we create from past lives? Answer: Hello dear one. This is a … Continue Reading about The Nature of Karma

The Energy Within Jesus
The following interactive session was recorded on Christmas Eve 1998. Questioner: Greetings Alana. Alana: Greetings to you dear one. Questioner: How are you? Alana: Delighted to be here with you and … Continue Reading about The Energy Within Jesus
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