We are often told it is not good to judge others.
The guilt or shame we feel when we do can turn into negative self judgment.
We can get caught in a mental loop where we begin judging our judgments.
This state can create an emotional dam causing mental reactions that keeps us from accessing a creative state of authenticity where we have access to our inner wisdom and guidance.
The following self guided meditation can be read aloud and recorded. Be sure to include pauses between the paragraphs for reflection. Use The Heart Meditation as a guided meditation to help create a healthy emotional state where judgment transforms into a much more creative awareness: discernment.
Heart Meditation
Lay down or sit quietly with your hands on your heart.
Allow whatever feelings you have to rise to fuller consciousness.
Whatever your feelings are, allow yourself to have them and to just be with them.
Allow whatever is present to be present.
Take a few moments to feel them fully and allow your feelings and emotions to rise to the surface.
As you move into this feeling state remind yourself you are safe to feel what is within you, for what is within you is there to guide you. Your feelings are always valid. Your feelings hold keys to open doors that will free you from fear and self-limitation.
Connect with Your Breath
Like the wind blows across an open meadow and bends the seeding tassels of grass, take a moment to connect with the movement of your breath.
Now, as you inhale, allow your breath to open and feel it move deeper and deeper within your body.
As you inhale deeper with each breathe imagine you are also breathing in a beautiful radiating light.
Know this comforting light holds useful information that you will soon realize along with the essence of compassion.
Compassion for all that you are currently feeling and have experienced in the past.
Breathe in Light and Information
This benevolent and comforting light is relaxing to your emotions. As you gently and deeply breathe in light and compassion you are beginning to feel a sense of tolerance and deep relaxation.
This state is connecting with your innate senses and your intuition. You are simply gaining greater clarity as this light filled information guides you to a practice of self-care.
Now you are able to remember multiple ways to create and invite self-love. You remember what it is like to nurture and love yourself just as you would any loyal and trusted friend.
The safety you feel is creating a space that allows old limiting thoughts or beliefs to float freely away from your essence…floating and rising into the distance.
Take a moment now to sense a growing new found freedom that can change your reality for the better.
Find a Magical Key
This freedom has the ability to allow judgments to transform into discernments. Any reactions to the judgments you have held onto in the past are presenting keys that unlock a door where discernments are easily realized.
Simple ways to self nurture that help you create life with ease and magic easily emerge from your inner light.
With your breathe, you inhale a deep sense of self-love and any left over limiting judgments easily release from your physical body.
- You easily release fears from the past.
- Your easily let go of any fear of the future.
- Fear you have held onto for lifetimes no longer makes sense to hold and dissipates until it is gone.
Guided by light, you now know all fear that you have held and stored has gently left and moved beyond your field creating space for new realizations.
You are now able to discern your deep innate inner needs and the values you hold dear to your heart.
Visit A Moment in Time
In the minutes, hours, and days ahead the essence of your purpose will shine brighter.
Imagine a moment in time where you are free to do whatever you please while trusting the guidance of your inner self. In this moment you realize your purpose both in your inner and outer world.
It is delightful to know that whatever excites you and allows you to thrive is possible.
Take a few moments and feel and sense what you might do, how you might be, and what you may have as you fully express authenticity and divine purpose.
Notice how all of your senses are involved. One by one your senses easily bring an image to focus that reveals your full, sparkling, light-filled essence. This is an aspect of who you really are!
Now trust that at any given future moment you can express from this newly realized light filled essence.
Spend time and look at yourself. Imagine your light filled essence as it speaks to you in a clear voice. What might it say? What words might flow from your true love-filled self.
Notice the words and how they guide you to a deep understanding of your unique individuality, your loving purpose, and why you choose to be in this world at this time in your life.
Experience Clarity
A sense of clarity allows you to learn from situations you have experienced in this life. You can easily find additional keys as you need them to open any closed doors that appear in your future. Whenever a door appears that is closed as you open it you are able to connect with your personal power. Your keys always help you open doors to abundance, and help you realize new and powerful possibilities.
Now it is time to draw all you have realized, discovered, and remembered while on this journey into your heart. You know you can trust your mind’s ability to grasp this information and use it in the most useful ways.
This heart and mind wisdom will always instinctively know how to balance and remain fully accessible. You’re a beautiful blend of your higher and true self and the person you feel yourself to be.
Pause for a moment or two. Allow your heart to recognize the desire of your mind that wants to help you learn and discover what is most important.
Take another moment or two and pause again. Witness as your mind realizes the wisdom of your heart and its ability to guide you to what you value most…what is most dear to your authentic nature.
Embrace Heart and Mind Harmony
Now take another moment to experience again your heart and mind in harmony.
As you inhale and exhale your breathe gently assists you to awaken present and clear minded from this compassionate and light filled state. You awaken refreshed and alert, ready to continue your day.
It is comforting to know at any time you wish your body and senses will lovingly help you remember the knowledge gained during this state of expanded awareness.
Now, slowly count from five to one.
Five: You feel the connection to your body and the room where you are laying of sitting.
Four: The outside world is more apparent as your attention moves to your surroundings.
Three: You gently open your eyes and look around you.
Two: With mental clarity, trust, and courage you are now able to discern what is your highest and best choice in any given moment.
One: You are now fully awake, aware, and ready to go about your day with clarity, peace of mind, and a happy heart.
You may also enjoy reading Alana’s answers to questions others have about self judgment and judging others.
To learn more about heart mind balance, visit > Explore Alana’s Answers on the Power of Discernment
Hi, after reading the introduction to this meditation, surely it is better not to judge people in the first place.
Why do we judge people? What can we do to stop judging people in the first place? Thank you.
Hi Tony, Essentially we judge others because we judge ourselves.
We are all one and we are all connected. Whatever disturbs us on others is just a reflection of something that is within us. So, whenever we are about to judge someone, we should ask ourselves what is not in harmony within ourselves and what we can do to re-create the harmony. Judging others has more to do with ourselves than with the other.