What if you were soon to become aware of wonderful treasures which exist within you?
What if you have incredible inner resources that can easily be activated to enrich your life and help you with life purpose?
What if you you have lived many times before and have mastered many things?
What if all of your resources from past, and future lives, are available to you right now?
Wouldn’t you be more apt to be successful at attaining your goals?
You Do Have …
Well, here’s my experience:
- You do have wonderful treasures within you.
- You do have incredible resources within you.
- You have mastered many things and have these skills and learnings available to you now.
- You exist in all times at once, therefore having access to your full mastery (a bit mind-boggling perhaps).
The Wonder-When 4 Step Process …

Imagine how you could fuel your life purpose and create positive motivation for accomplishing your goals.
You can discover these resources for yourself. Here’s a simple four-step process:
1) Pick a word that represents one of your inner treasures that you would like to discover or deepen. A short list of some of my favorites are: boldness, clarity, compassion, confidence, contentment, cooperativeness, courage, creativity, dependability, dynamism, efficiency, energy, flexibility, freedom, generosity, gentleness, goodness, gracefulness, harmony, honesty, humor, independence, integrity, inventiveness, kindness, love, loyalty, motivation, openness, patience, persistence, practicality, radiance, sensitivity, sensuality, strength, thoroughness, uniqueness, and wisdom. Pick one word from this list or come up with one of your own.
2) Write down the following sentence on a small piece of paper: “I wonder how soon it will be before my inner <fill in your word> begins to express itself in my life?”
3) For the next week—longer if you wish—repeat this phrase with as much enthusiasm as you can bring forth. You can say it out loud and to yourself; quietly and with lots of volume; quickly and slowly; or with sacredness then silliness. Just say this magical affirmation in as many different ways as come to mind. The more you speak these words, and in as many different ways, the more you will be evoking your inner treasures.
4) Expect the resource to come forth! How could it not?!
If you enjoy this process, repeat it many times, using a new word each week. Without a doubt, this is the most powerful affirmation process I’ve ever used. I hope you enjoy bringing forth the wonders which exist within you. May you achieve success in realizing your goals and be on a path for expressing your life purpose.
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